Metacomputing papers

At the end of my studies, I participated in the writing of a few papers and to a couple of international conferences. Their main topic was parallel computing on a geographic scale on top of a meta-computer: a machine built by linking together a set of UNIX servers, workstations and specialized supercomputers (Connection Machine CM1, IBM SP2. nCUBE, etc.). Together with my colleague, we developed a visual interface (running on X11/Motif) to "see" the indivudual nodes of the parallel machine and manage them. We also wrote a test application to simulate the evolution and interactions of galaxies. The simulation used a simplified parallel version of the n-body algorithm, adapted to run on a coarse grain parallel computer.

The main topic of the papers and the participation to conferences was the description of our works: the visual interface (WAMM) and the parallel n-body application. We discussed about the problems we ecountered and the oppurtunities we found during the development of the parallel applications on coarse-grain, geographically-distributed parallel machines.

  • R. Baraglia, G. Faieta, M. Formica, D. Laforenza, M. Stiavelli.  Metacomputing to Solve Complex Computational Problems. A Case Study: Evolution of Galaxies.  HPCN Europe 1996: Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on High-Performance Computing and Networking, pag. 429-440
    References: [1]  [2]  [3]
  • R. Baraglia, G. Faieta, M. Formica, D. Laforenza.  Experiences with a wide area network metacomputing management tool using IBM SP-2 parallel systems.  Concurrency: Practice and Experience, vol. 9(3), pag. 223-239, March 1997
    References: [1]  [2]  [3]
  • R. Baraglia, G. Faieta, M. Formica, D. Laforenza.  WAMM: una interfaccia visuale per la gestione di un metacalcolatore.  Atti del Congresso Annuale AICA 1995, 27-29 Settembre 1995, Chia (CA), pag. 160-179
    References: [1]
  • R. Baraglia, G. Faieta, M. Formica, D. Laforenza.  WAMM: A Visual Interface for Managing Metacomputers.  in "Proceedings of the Second European PVM Users' Group Meeting", Lyon, September 14-15, 1995, Edition Hermes
    References: [1]
  • R. Baraglia, G. Faieta, D. Laforenza, M. Stiavelli.  Metacomputing: un nuovo approccio per la soluzione di problemi computazionalmente complessi.  Rivista di Informatica -Milano-, Vol 27, num 2, pag 105-120, 1997

Acadenic papers

Date: 1994 - 1995

Category: Papers